Starting a Project

Koogle and I like the couch. Actually, Koogle loves the couch, but it’s not a good way to spend the rest of our lives. We’ve decided to take on a blogging project to learn something new and to make new friends and acquaintances (both people and dogs). There are plenty of geology and science blogs out there, and there are countless, anonymous blogs of people offering their views on things, so what were we going to blog about?

Koogle joined me at the very start of my retirement journey eight months ago when we went through service dog team training together. I was just starting the transition out of the working world. Searching the internet for things like “what to do in retirement” or even “retirement blogs” will return a long list of retirement finance or retirement planning links, but hardly anything about what people are actually doing with their time. The best book I’ve read on the subject of what to do with the rest of my life was How to Retire Happy Wild and Free by Ernie Zelinski. What I especially liked about the book were anecdotes from people Ernie had met about the things they did and enjoyed. It convinced me there was a whole world of new things to do and experience beyond my former career as a geologist.

Our plan is to write about things we or others try out in retirement and whether those things were fun or worthwhile. We’ll attempt to educate, inspire, and entertain. Hopefully, we’ll get better as we go, and your comments and suggestions will be a big help. We’ve read The Blog Startup by Meera Kothand; We signed up for web hosting with HostGator, and we watched YouTube videos on how to use WordPress.

If you’d like to see where this is all going, please follow Jim and His Dog on Facebook, and you be linked to updates.

We like the co/uch but don’t want to spend our lives on it


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